Hermann Schadeberg

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Hermann Schadeberg or Hermann von Basel worked as a painter and glass painter from 1399 to 1449. He is also said to have created illustrations for books.

Schadeberg was first mentioned in a document in Strasbourg in 1399, probably coming from Basel. At that time he was already in high regard in Strasbourg and in 1410 was elected by the guild of goldsmiths and sign painters to their large council. However, none of his paintings is known for certain, although some information is given in surviving account books.

Based on a comparison of documents in the Strasbourg archives, he has been seen as the master of the Colmar Crucifixion since 2008, who created one of the first panel paintings north of the Alps with his picture of the Crucifixion in 1410 or 1415. The attribution to Schadeberg, who can be shown to have worked as an artist in Strasbourg around this time, is the result of a long series of attempts to identify the creator of this work, also known as the Dominican Crucifixion .

Schadeberg is also said to have provided templates for glass windows in Strasbourg churches.

Individual evidence

  1. so z. BO Schmidt: The Strasbourg painter Hermann von Basel . In: Historische und Antiquarian Gesellschaft Basel (Ed.): Twelfth Annual Report, H. Georg Verlag, Basel 1888
  2. s. also C. Gérard: Les artistes de l'Alsace pendant le Moyen Âge (Volume II). Librairie Eugène Barth, Colmar, 1873, p. 68
  3. cf. z. BP Lorentz: La peinture à Bâle et à Strasbourg dans la première moitié du xve siècle. Histoire de l'art du Moyen Âge occidental. Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Section des sciences historiques et philologiques, 140, 2009 . Accessed online February 2010 [1]
  4. P. Lorentz: Un grand artiste à Strasbourg au tournant du XVe siècle: le Maître de la Crucifixion au dominicain, Hermann Schadeberg . In: P. Lorentz (Ed.): Strasbourg 1400, un foyer d'art dans l'Europe gothique ”(catalog in French). Editions des Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, Strasbourg 2008
  5. F. Gatouillat: Vitraux de Saint-Pierre-le-Vieux de Strasbourg d'après the cartons d'Hermann Schade mountain . In: P. Lorentz (ed.) In Strasbourg 1400, un foyer d'art dans l'Europe gothique ”(catalog in French). Editions des Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, Strasbourg 2008, pp. 138-139