Hester Albach

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Hester Albach (born November 4, 1953 in Amsterdam ) is a Dutch author .


Albach studied art at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie without a degree . She works as a translator from English and as a copywriter. She made her debut in 1975 with the novel Het debuut , which caused a sensation in the Netherlands, in 1977 Nouchka van Brakel filmed the material for the film of the same name. In 1977 she published the story Een gezonde relatie . In 1997 she published the novel Evenbeelden and in 1999 a volume of short stories.

In 2009 Albach published a biography of Léona Delcourt , who was the Nadja of the surrealist André Breton in 1926 , initially in French translation.

Albach lives with her husband in Baarn and in France.

Works (selection)

  • Het debuut . Peter Loeb, Amsterdam 1975, ISBN 90-6213-007-0
  • A gezonde relationship . Narrative. Loeb & Van der Velden, Amsterdam 1977, ISBN 90-6213-024-0
    • The debut and a healthy relationship . German by Siegfried Mrotzek. Wiesbaden, Munich: Limes-Verlag 1977
  • Evenbeelden. Novel . De Prom, Baarn 1997, ISBN 90-6801-537-0
  • Een druppel goud. Narratives . De Prom, Baarn 1999, ISBN 90-6801-560-5
  • Léona, herroïne du surréalisme . Translated from the Dutch by Arlette Ounanian. Actes Sud, Arles 2009. ISBN 9782742780273

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sophie Delassein: Nadja, es-tu là? , Reviewed in Le Nouvel Observateur , December 17, 2009
  2. Christine Marcandier: Léona / Nadja, héroïne du surréalisme ( memento of July 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), review, at edition bookclub, August 1, 2009