Hetaerina americana

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Hetaerina americana
Male of Hetaerina americana

Male of Hetaerina americana

Order : Dragonflies (Odonata)
Subordination : Dragonfly (Zygoptera)
Superfamily : Calopterygoidea
Family : Demoiselle (Calopterygidae)
Genre : Hetaerina
Type : Hetaerina americana
Scientific name
Hetaerina americana
( Fabricius , 1798)

Hetaerina americana is a dragonfly from the family of calopterygidae (Calopterygidae) which is spread over large parts of North America.


Male Hetaerina americana reach a body length of 40 to 46 millimeters, the females remain somewhat smaller at 38 to 40 millimeters. The head and thorax are dark. The abdomen of the males is greenish bronze to dark brown, that of the females is greenish. The wings are clear and transparent, with the males being ruby ​​red at the base and brown in the females.

distribution and habitat

The distribution area of Hetaerina americana extends over much of the United States and Canada . They live mainly on the banks of rivers in wooded areas, sometimes also along marshland.

Way of life

The adult dragonflies feed on small, soft flying insects. The larvae hunt small underwater insects and their larvae. The females pierce their eggs one by one into soft aquatic plant stems by clinging to the stems just above the water surface. The males are usually close by. The adult larvae climb out of the water on stems and moult outside of the water to form a dragonfly.


Hetaerina americana is one of about 40 species of the genus Hetaerina known today.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e Lorus Milne, Margery Milne: Field Guide to Insects and Spiders. National Audubon Society, Chantacleer Press, 1980; P. 383. ISBN 0-394-50763-0 .
  2. ^ Martin Schorr, Martin Lindeboom, Dennis Paulson: World Odonata List. Update from October 2, 2011 ( download ).


  • Lorus Milne, Margery Milne: Field Guide to Insects and Spiders. National Audubon Society, Chantacleer Press, 1980; P. 383. ISBN 0-394-50763-0 .

Web links

Commons : Hetaerina americana  - collection of images, videos and audio files