Highnoon (computer game)

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Highnoon is a computer game that was developed by Ocean Software in 1984 for the Commodore 64 . It's a western style shoot 'em up .

The game has five levels . The player takes on the role of sheriff. Occasionally bandits come to rob the bank or kidnap women in the saloon. The bandits have to be shot. You can shoot horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Each level ends with a shooting duel. An undertaker (Rig + Mortis) clears away all corpses during the game (including the player).


The graphics are pretty simple. There is only one location (no scrolling ). In the upper half are the saloon, the bank and the undertaker. The only thing moving besides the sprites are the saloon doors.


The title theme of the film High Noon (German: twelve o'clock noon ) was used as background music . SID composer was David Dunn.


  • From level 2, bandits come on horses.
  • From level 3 there are bombers.
  • In the 5th level you are in front of a cave. The screen color changes from yellow to green.


There is a version for the Commodore Amiga from Bignonia . This is almost identical to the C-64 version. Only the saloon doors do not move. However, the sound is in stereo.

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