West Pahari languages

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West Pahari languages ​​/ Himachali languages

Spoken in

IndiaIndia India
Language codes
ISO 639 -2


ISO 639 -5


The West Pahari languages or Himachali languages are a family of languages managed under the ISO 639-2 code [him] , which is a branch of Northwest Indian alongside the Punjabi languages ​​including Lahnda and the Sindhi languages . The name Himachali languages ​​indicates that these languages ​​are spoken in particular in the northwest Indian state of Himachal Pradesh , while West Pahari languages ​​depicts that this language group is located on the western edge of the Pahari language area in northern India.

SIL International also treats the ISO-639-2 code [him] for the Himachali / West Pahari languages ​​as ISO-639-5 code, while it is on the official listing of the Library of Congress , the official registration body for ISO 639-5, is not performed.

The family includes the following individual languages : Dogri-Kangri (2.2 million), Gaddi (Bhamauri) (120,000), Churahi (110,000), Bhattiyali (100,000), Bilaspuri (300,000), Kinnauri -Harijani (6,000), Chambeali (130,000), Mandeali (800,000), Mahasu-Pahari (650,000), Jaunsari (100,000), Kului (110,000), Bhadrawahi-Pangwali (90,000) Th.), Pahari-Potwari (200 th.), Hinduri, Sirmauri.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ISO 639 identifier: him . SIL International .: "Code set: 639-2 and 639-5"
  2. Issues to Resolve in ISO 639 . SIL International. August 14, 2004.