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As Hinglish in modern is India tendency referred words from the language of the former colonial power Britain and the United States to take over.

Examples are: "market" for market instead of the Persian "Bazaar" (German: Basar / Markt), "mum" and "dad" instead of Hindi "matr" and "pita" / "baab". Typical for Hinglish is the use of the word "less" instead of "fewer", for example "I have less children" instead of correct English "I have fewer children" and the expression "thank you please" instead of correct English "thank you ". For cultural reasons, English-speaking Indians say "brother" to friends and acquaintances, while Englishmen or Australians would use the expression "mate" or "buddy".

The Hindi language developed from the 4500 year old Sanskrit , which is still the language of the priests and scholars, the Brahmins , comparable to the status of Latin in Europe . During the time of the Arab Mughal empires, Hindi took over many words from Persian and Arabic , until English took over this role at the time of the British colonial empire . Very recently, the adoption of English phrases in Hindi has been going on much faster, due to the importance of software development and call centers to the modern Indian economy and the influence of the Internet .


Teach Yourself Hindi by Rupert Snell and Simon Weightman, Hodder Education Verlag, ISBN 0-340-86687-X