Yard reporting

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The obsequious and uncritical reporting in the original sense is a particular form of journalism . This is primarily about reporting on nobles. A distinction is made between the actual court reporting by the court reporter, who is employed at the court as press spokesman and publishes authorized reports, from the court reporting by the tabloids and paparazzi , who primarily try to find out things that should not be made public, particularly intimate details from private life.


Court reporting in the narrower sense is already known from the Middle Ages, whereby at that time the subjects were informed by public announcements of events at the noble courts such as B. weddings, births, in some cases agreements and peace treaties that have been concluded.

Modern times

After the emergence of the newspapers , they also took over the court reporting. Increasingly, the public was also informed about less important things that concerned the private life of the nobles. With the decline in power of the monarchs and the enforcement of the freedom of the press , the unpleasant reporting by the press increased and the official court rapporteurs no longer reported directly, but held press conferences to make their announcements known to the press while the press took over the publication.

Since the middle of the 20th century, the tabloid media have increasingly devoted themselves to reports on the nobility. The photos are often from paparazzi who follow celebrities wherever they go. The violation of privacy and personal rights is accepted. As a paparazzi victim z. B. Princess Diana .

On television are v. a. Noble weddings and numerous documentary reports are part of the court reporting. Corresponding productions are also broadcast in Germany by ARD and ZDF. In the past, both channels broadcast the weddings of the European aristocracy repeatedly over several hours and at the same time, but independently of one another.

Often the productions arise from the environment of the court reporting in close cooperation with the objects of the reporting or their employees. They often do not reveal a critical distance.

Analog phenomena

In a figurative sense, the term is now also used for the uncritical publication of information and for pleasant reporting in the interests of politicians, parties, associations or institutions through subsidized or otherwise dependent or influenced media.

Long periods without a change of government favor that the ruling party has great influence on the media, especially on the public broadcasters (radio and television) in their state.

In a state capital , the state government (prime minister, minister) is roughly what 'the court' used to be. Local and regional newspapers in state capitals report in more detail than national newspapers; this can be received as 'yard reporting'.

When Bonn was still the federal capital, the government was more present in the 'cityscape' of this relatively small city than is the current government in Berlin. The newspaper Bonner General-Anzeiger reported in detail.


  1. Jump up ↑ "Bavarian Red Radio" December 20, 2011