Hollow ground

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A razor with a hollow point

The hollow grind describes a certain blade geometry on tool and weapon edges that is shaped by means of grinding . H. inwardly curved bevel.

The hollow grinding is created by one or two concave ground surfaces, which form the cutting edge at the tapered point. The cut is made by means of a grinding wheel rotating across the cutting edge or with a grindstone . The disk hollow out the material, the radius of the disk determining the thickness of the hollow. The size of the entire hollow also depends on the thickness of the workpiece. This grinding makes the workpiece (e.g. a blade) sharper, but also loses stability and resilience. For this reason, cutting edges that are more likely to be used on softer materials are given a hollow grind. Razors , scissors and carving knives mostly have a hollow grind . But ice skate blades are also given a hollow cut, but this is done by longitudinal sanding on a thin grinding wheel, which itself has a radius.

Individual evidence

  1. Leonhard Ullrich: Small Knifeology. Retrieved January 29, 2015 .
  2. ↑ Sharpening your ice skates - we explain the details. Retrieved January 29, 2015 .