Holzer bubbles

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A finding in forensic medicine that indicates intoxication is called Holzer blister . As a rule, the poisoning substance is a barbiturate , but the Holzer blisters can also occur with other poisons.


Holzer blisters mainly appear on parts of the body subject to pressure such as the inside of the knees , the ankles and the back of the hands and feet . In the differential diagnosis they are to be distinguished from burn blisters .


These forensic medical findings were first made by Franz Josef Holzer , who was full professor at the University of Innsbruck from 1958 to 1973 , during a barbiturate intoxication and subsequently named after him.


  • Zimmer: Exam preparation for forensic medicine , p. 51ff. 2nd Edition; Thieme, Stuttgart; 2009. ISBN 978-3-13-141172-3