Homestead Records (CMOC)

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Homestead Records was an American record label whose records were only available in catalogs. The label existed between the mid-1920s and around 1932.


Homestead was one of Chicago Mail Order Company (CMOC), a mail-order from Chicago . The first records appeared in the mid-1920s and were only available for purchase in the Mail Order Company catalogs. All releases at that time were published in the 15000/16000 series - most of the recordings came from the holdings of the recording companies Plaza Music Company and American Record Corporation (ARC). The repertoire mainly comprised pop music , partly also old-time and blues .

In January 1932, the major label Victor Records took over the production of the Homestead records, which were still available in the catalogs of the Chicago Mail Order Company. The 22000/23000 series was introduced, which re-released ARC and Crown recordings. The records were extremely cheap for the time and were aimed primarily at financially weaker customers. For example, you could get five records for $ 1.19.


15000/16000 (192? -1932) 22000/23000 (from 1932)


  • Tony Russell: Country Music Records: A Discography, 1921-1942 (2004), Oxford University Press, ISBN 0195139895