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In biology, homonomy is the equality or homologation of two or more parts (or segments). Homonomy is used to denote intra-individual homology .

The term homonomy or homonomy occurs particularly in the case of the arthropods. Here the segments of an animal - especially with the onychophores (Onychophora) - are called homonomous if they have an identical construction.

The term homonomy was first mentioned around 1858 by Heinrich Bronn and finally confirmed in 1952 by Adolf Remane . As early as 1790, examples of homonomy can be found in the work Metamorphoses of Plants by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe . In his work, Goethe tried to determine the species of the individual leaf within the individual plant.

The term is also often used in connection with metamerism .


  • Adolf Meyer: Logic of morphology in the context of a logic of the entire biology . Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-50733-5 .

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