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As a house show is called an event in wrestling that neither in the television broadcast, even on DVD or other video medium is published and is therefore only intended for visitors in the hall.

In the WWE, there are several house shows each week for each roster . Tours through Europe exist with a few exceptions such as the multiple SmackDown! - Recordings in England also from house shows. Also, TNA Wrestling held since March 2006. irregularly house shows in halls outside their usual (yet) exclusively used Universal Studios .

Since house shows reach a much smaller audience than weekly TV shows, they are often used for experiments in the WWE. Wrestlers who return after an injury break usually first work out new wrestling practice in house shows before appearing again on TV. The audience's reaction to planned turns or gimmick changes is often tested in house shows before they are also carried out on TV, whereby a bad reaction can thwart such plans. Such turns, which can be done by an angle during the show itself, do not even play a role in the storylines on TV, since usually happenings at a house show are not recognized and are not further mentioned by the WWE.

Title changes are very rare at house shows. Occasionally a wrestler wins a title at an event in his home country and has to give it back at one of the next shows - as was the case with Nunzio , who became WWE Cruiserweight Champion in Rome and lost his belt only a week later. WWE rarely goes into such title changes. Title changes due to injury are an exception. In 2003 Christian won the WWE Intercontinental Championship at a house show because the reigning title holder Booker T injured himself and immediately had to take a break, so you couldn't wait until the next TV show to change the title.