Hugo Chavez Peace Prize

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The Hugo Chávez Peace Prize (Spanish Premio Hugo Chávez a la Paz y la Soberanía de los Pueblos or Premio Hugo Chávez ) is an award given by the state of Venezuela . The first and so far only award winner is Russian President Vladimir Putin .


The prize was donated by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in October 2016 . It is intended to honor people who work for "peace and the sovereignty of the peoples". The prize is named after Maduro's predecessor in the office of president, Hugo Chávez . A miniature version of the Chávez monument by the Russian sculptor Sergej Kazantsev is awarded.

Award winners

In January 2017, Vladimir Putin was the only recipient to receive the Peace Prize for his role in the Syrian civil war .

Individual evidence

  1. Sputnik: Maduro wants to present Putin with the Hugo Chavez Peace Prize. Retrieved January 21, 2019 (American English).
  2. Because of his role in the Syrian war: Putin receives the Venezuelan peace prize . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed January 21, 2019]).