Human Life International

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Human Life International (HLI) claims to be the world's largest organization for the rights of life . HLI comes from the USA and has 59 action centers in 51 countries, including Austria and Switzerland.

Foundation and field of work

The organization was founded in 1981 by Benedictine monk Paul Marx (1920–2010). Its declared goal is to "carry the message of the holiness of life and the family into the world with prayers, worship and teachings, just as the Roman Catholic Church prescribes":

"The mission of HLI is to promote and defend the sanctity of life and family around the world according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church through prayer, service and education."

This objective includes not only actions against abortion , but also against birth control in general:

"We exist not only to fight the evils of abortion, contraception, sex education and family breakdown, but also to bring the good news of the Gospel of Life to the nations." ("We exist not only to fight the evils of abortion, contraception, sex education, and family destruction, but also to bring the good news of life to nations")

The organization organizes “ Pro-Life missionary trips ” from the USA to all regions of the world to demonstrate and pray in front of clinics. Like other life rights organizations, HLI provides pregnancy counseling for unwanted pregnant women.


In 2005, the Lucina abortion clinic in Vienna went bankrupt after militant disruptions by HLI Austria. The premises were bought by HLI in order to set up a "Babycaust Museum" there. Critics of HLI have been sued (unsuccessfully) for defamation.

HLI's positions on reproductive medicine sometimes differ from those of other Catholic lay organizations.


HLI has come under fire from international human rights and health organizations because its missionaries, especially in African countries, preach against any kind of contraception and instead for marital fidelity and thus pursue a different line than the WHO with regard to anti-AIDS policy.

According to feminists who point to the legality of abortions, HLI engages in psychological terror against women seeking to terminate their pregnancies. Women who wanted to enter a Viennese abortion clinic were described as “murderers” from the environment of the Austrian HLI. In Vienna, according to the taz report, a woman willing to have an abortion was lured into one of HLI's life centers and allegedly forced to sing and pray in a room there for hours.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Human Life International Austria. Retrieved May 27, 2020.
  2. Human Life International (HLI-Switzerland) . Retrieved May 27, 2020.
  3. ^ Father Paul Marx, the founder of Human Life International, died on on March 22, 2010
  4. Joel Bedetti, Pascal Sigg: Fundamental Christians: Gloria-plot Die Zeit , May 16, 2013.
  5. ^ "Babycaust" - museum instead of abortion clinic Der Standard , January 31, 2005.
  6. Confirmed by the court: HLI macht Terror Der Standard , March 17, 2004.
  7. Francesca Trento, Regula Pfeifer: For the Catholic Women's Association, the freezing of egg cells is "ambivalent" Catholic media center, November 1, 2017.
  8. Research on the "March for the Family" 2017 Feminist information and documentation work fida, p. 20 ff.
  9. God's nasty sidewalk representative. taz , May 18, 2004.