Humbert (Bremen)

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Humbert was Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Hamburg-Bremen from 1101 to 1104 .

In documents from 1089 to 1101, Humbert is mentioned as Chancellor of Emperor Heinrich IV . Since his kappelan Otto turned down the chair of the archbishop of Bremen offered to him by the emperor in favor of the Bamberg bishopric, Heinrich IV determined Humbert as Liemar's successor in 1101 . From then on, Humbert hardly played a role in imperial politics and there is hardly anything worth mentioning about his brief term in Bremen. However, the decision of the Pope in 1104 to upgrade the Swedish diocese of Lund , which until then had been under the jurisdiction of Bremen, to an archbishopric was made in these years . The responsibility of the Bremen Church for Scandinavia was lost, even if it was temporarily recognized again in the 12th century.


  • Günter Glaeske: The archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen as imperial princes (937–1258). Hildesheim 1962, pp. 120-121.
  • Dieter Hägermann, Ulrich Weidinger and Konrad Elmshäuser: Bremen Church History in the Middle Ages , Bremen 2012, p. 121.
predecessor Office successor
Liemar Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen
Friedrich I of Bremen