Hume al-Sayfi

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Hume al-Sayfi , sometimes also according to the legend from the Arabic Humay or Hummay , ruled from 1068 to 1080 and founded the Sefuwa dynasty of the Kanem Empire east of Lake Chad. His name is mentioned in the royal chronicle of Kanem-Bornu , the Diwan , and in a writing by the Egyptian historian Al-Maqrīzī . Although his two predecessors from the Duguwa dynasty were already Muslim, he is considered to be the actual founder of Islam in Kanem. Some authors derive his name from (Mu) hamm (ad).


  • Dierk Lange: Le diwan des sultans du Kanem-Bornu , Wiesbaden 1977 (here pp. 68–69).
  • N. Levtzion and A. Hopkins: Corpus of Early Arabic Sources for West African History , Cambridge 1981 (here p. 428 fn. 8).