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Iškibal was the fourth king (around 1640–1626 BC) of the Meerland dynasty , which ruled for around 350 years from around 1783 to 1415 BC. Ruled the south of Mesopotamia . Iškibal is only known from later king lists and chronicles. Accordingly, he ruled for 15 years.

The name Iškibal is problematic and is perhaps Akkadian .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Odette Boivin: The First Dynasty of the Sealand in Mesopotamia (= Studies in ancient Near Eastern records. Volume 20). Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 2018, ISBN 978-1-501-50782-3 , pp. 34–36
  2. Boivin: The First Dynasty of the Sealand in Mesopotamia , p. 39
predecessor Office successor
Damiq-ilišu King of the Meerland dynasty
1640–1626 BC Chr.