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i2010 , Information Society for Growth and Jobs , is an agenda of the European Union for the development of information and communication technologies . It was part of the Lisbon strategy . It was then continued in the Digital Agenda for Europe within the framework of EU 2020 .


The i2010 strategy was an initiative based on the eEurope 2005 Action Plan. This was adopted by the European Council in Seville in 2002 and is the successor to the eEurope 2002 Action Plan, which came into force in 2000.

i2010 focused on uniting the telecommunications industry and Internet service providers on the one hand and the media industry on the other. This project benefited from the fact that Viviane Reding was appointed Commissioner for Information Society and Media. These two points were previously under the responsibility of different Commissioners.

With the Ministerial Declaration of Malmö 2009 (Ministerial Declaration on eGovernment) , the eGovernment Action Plan (COM (2006) 173) announced in 2006 became valid, and these extended measures were embedded in the Europe 2020 Strategy (EU 2020), which is the European innovation program To promote competitiveness (strategy for intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth). The comprehensive Digital Agenda for Europe 2020 program has been running since then .


i2010 focuses on relatively few but targeted political priorities:

  • Creation of a single information database that includes improved regulations, ancillary content creation and broadband and security matters
  • Increasing EU investments in ICT research of up to 80% (including trans-European demonstration projects)
  • Promoting a European information society (better public services and quality of life actions with three flagship initiatives)

Viviane Reding discussed that the "i" in i2010 for information database, innovation and investment and involvement ( involvement stands). i2010 is related to the re-established Lisbon Strategy , which highlighted the significant contribution of ICT to development and jobs. Commissioner Reding drew attention to the fact that i2010 was the first concrete initiative to be taken under the renewed Lisbon strategy.


Funding was provided through shared sources such as the 7th Research Framework Program  (FP7) and the Competitiveness and Innovation Program  (CIP).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b i2010 - A European information society for growth and employment. Digital Austria, accessed February 4, 2016.