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The International Working Group of Archive, Library and Graphic Restorers (IADA) emerged in 1967 from the Working Group of Archive Restorers (ADA), which had existed since February 28, 1957.

Purpose of the working group

  • professional training for restorers
  • Promotion of the next generation
  • mutual exchange of experiences
  • international cooperation with comparable institutions
  • Cultivating collegiality
  • Pursuit of charitable goals and tasks
  • Representation of professional interests

The association is active in the following areas, which it sees as its tasks:

  • Working groups
  • Work meetings
  • Exhibitions
  • Technical committees
  • Publication of the Journal for Paper Conservation (JPC)

Since 1991 the association has joined the European Association of Restorers' Associations (ECCO) and since 1995 also the Association of German Restorers Associations (VDR), which became the Association of Restorers eV (VDR) in 2001 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.iada-home.org/ueber-iada/geschichte.html