ISO 19107

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Logo of the German Institute for Standardization DIN EN ISO 19107
Area Geographic information
title Spatial reference scheme
Latest edition 2003
ISO 19107

ISO 19107 Geographic Information - Spatial Scheme is an international standard from the ISO 191xx series. The standards of this series define the modeling of geographic information. ISO 19107 - spatial reference scheme considers the sub-area of ​​the modeling of spatial reference forms and basic spatial reference forms.

As the basic spatial reference forms, a distinction is made between basic geometric forms (point, line, surface, body) and basic topological forms (node, edge, mesh, spatial element).

In addition, multiple basic forms (aggregates) and composite basic forms (complexes) are considered and their mutual relationships and interactions are shown. In addition to the corresponding data structures, the geometry objects are also assigned basic functions. The modeling takes place with the description language UML .