Icel (Mercia)

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Icel (also Icil ) was the first king of the Anglish Kingdom of Mercia and ancestor of the Iclingas dynasty in the late 5th or early 6th century .

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle reports that Icel was a son of Eomer and traces the line of ancestry back to the deity Woden via the mythical hero Offa . Cnebba is named as Icel's son in the same source. Icel is considered to be the first of his family to move from fishing on the Cimbrian Peninsula to Britain and establish a rule there.



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Nicholas Brooks : Anglo-Saxon Myths: State and Church, 400-1066 , Hambledon & London, 1998, ISBN 978-1852851545 , p. 67.
  2. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for the year 626
  3. ^ Robin George Collingwood, John Nowell Linton Myres: Roman Britain and English Settlements , Biblo & Tannen, 1998, ISBN 978-0819611604 , pp. 416-417.
predecessor Office successor
- King of Mercia
around 500