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Ngombe Knife.jpg
Weapon type: Sword knife
Designations: Ifangbwa
Use: Weapon, professional weapon
Region of origin /
Ngombe , Dok, Poto
Distribution: Africa
Handle: Wood, metal wire (copper), vegetable fibers
Lists on the subject

The Ifangbwa is a traditional knife from the northwest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo .


The Ifangbwa dagger has a straight, broad, double-edged blade. The blade begins ovally at the handle and then tapers towards the location and has a wide central ridge or a deep hollow grind. The blade is often pierced on the oval piece of the blade. The front edge is crescent-shaped. The booklet is made of wood and is partly wrapped with copper wire. The pommel is wrapped in spherical plant fibers. The Ifangbwa dagger is used by the Ngombe and Poto ethnic groups.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Museum of Ethnology Frankfurt am Main, Johanna Agthe, Karin Strauss, Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Department for Culture and Leisure: Arms from Central Africa. Verlag Museum für Völkerkunde, 1985, pp. 107, 298
  2. Manfred A. Zirngibl , Alexander Kubetz: panga na visu. Handguns, forged cult objects and shields from Africa. HePeLo-Verlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-9811254-2-9 . Pp. 126-127, 296
  3. H. Westerdijk: IJzerwerk van Centraal Africa. Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde Rotterdam, De Tijdstroom, Lochem 1975, ISBN 90-6087-939-2 . Pp. 57, 75