In family circles

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In family circles (French En Famille ) is a novella by Guy de Maupassant . It first appeared on February 15, 1881 in the Nouvelle Revue.


Mr. Caravan is a low-ranking officer. He lives with his wife, his daughter Marie-Louise, his son Philippe-Auguste and his mother in a two-story house. When he returns home after work one evening, he learns that there has been an argument between his wife and mother. Shortly before dinner, Marie-Louise finds her mother lying lifeless on the floor in her room. The family doctor, Doctor Chenet, diagnoses the old woman's death. Mr and Mrs Caravan demonstrate their grief. Mr Caravan is looking for attention in a pub, but nobody is interested in his painful loss. The caravans carry a chest of drawers and a pendulum clock from the dead room to their part of the apartment. The next morning, Mr. Caravan reports the death to the town hall, goes to the rectory, goes to the funeral home, orders obituary notices, goes to the notary and informs his sister. He stays away from his work without excuse, which his wife thinks his superior will understand. The curious neighbors, led by Mrs. Caravan, parade past the body laid out. The daughter leads children who want to see the corpse into the death room, imitating the mother's mourning behavior. You cannot light the light at dinner because they forgot to buy petroleum . Marie-Louise is sent to the death room to fetch two candles from the deathbed. She makes the discovery that her grandmother has got up and dressed. Then the sister's family appears. The aunt demands the dresser and clock back. The Caravan couple fear that they will now be disadvantaged in the will. And Mr Caravan does not know how to explain his unexcused absence from work.

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