Individual guidance

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Individual leadership is the goal- and situation-related influencing of a person being led by a superior, who uses management tools to steer the person concerned towards a jointly achieved success . In doing so, a supervisor prompts an individual employee to do what he expects of them (target setting or target agreement ). Special forms of management instruments are management techniques and management styles , both of which are applied to the operational level of an organization or to the individual to be managed . relate Ultimately, individual leadership always implies the construction of human images and the derivation of actions from these human images.

Elements of individual leadership

The individual guidance consists of the features

  • Personality of the employee, e.g. B. his characteristics, knowledge, skills, experience, motives.
  • Manager , e.g. B. their personality, maturity, authority , qualification and motivation.
  • Leadership goals , e.g. B. Performance goals, behavioral goals, and satisfaction goals to be achieved through leadership.
  • Management tools, e.g. B. Leadership styles , means and techniques to be used by the manager .
  • Management situation , e.g. B. Difficulty of the task, influences of the workplace, private and company situation.
  • Leadership success , e.g. B. the positive result of efforts to achieve goals. It shows in the achievement of the performance targets.
  • Effect of leadership, e.g. B. changing attitudes and behavior ( change management ) through transformational leadership
  • Leadership skills as operationally measurable behaviors to enable them to successfully cope with leadership tasks

Working towards the self-responsible development of the personality of the successful employee is an essential task of individual management.

Typical leadership styles

The basic attitude managers have in dealing with those they lead is described in the management style. The typical leadership styles are:

  • authoritarian
  • autocratic
  • bureaucratic
  • charismatic
  • democratically
  • group oriented
  • cooperative
  • participatory
  • personality oriented
  • laissez-faire
  • patriarchal
  • meaningful
  • directional
  • situational
  • transactional
  • transformational


  • O. Neuberger: Lead and let lead. 6th edition. Stuttgart 2002.
  • K. Olfert, HJ Rahn: Lexicon of business administration. 7th edition. Herne 2011.
  • HJ Rahn: Management : 8th edition, Herne 1212.
  • L. v. Rosenstiel: Fundamentals of organizational psychology. 6th edition. Stuttgart 2007.
  • Ch. Scholz: Personnel Management. 5th edition. Munich 2000.

Individual evidence

  1. L. v. Rosenstiel: Fundamentals of organizational psychology. 6th edition. Stuttgart 2007, p. 136 ff.
  2. Ch. Scholz: Personnel Management. 5th edition. Munich 2000, p. 322 ff.
  3. Ch. Wanzel: Handbook of Development. Norderstedt, 2010, p. 250.