Industrial conflict

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Industrial conflict is a conflict that occurs in commercial and service economic organizations. As a loan translation from English, the term includes conflicts over wages and performance. It manifests itself in strikes , sabotage , industrial aggression , boycotts , performance restrictions, idleness, internal dismissal . Other forms are the hostage-taking by managers, which is mainly practiced by French workers and Flashmob (flash mob) actions, which are used specifically for the cast and blockade of transactions in labor disputes.


The causes of industrial conflicts are, on the one hand, the different interests of the people and groups who work together in the production process based on the division of labor , in particular the conflicting interests between the responsible functional groups (management) and those responsible (operational workers). On the other hand, potential for conflict creates the functional classification of workers in organizational processes, which are designed by management according to efficiency and profitability aspects , without taking sufficient account of the needs for humane working conditions.

In his study on the psychophysics of industrial work (1908/09), Max Weber referred to "braking" as a deliberate limitation of the work performance of employees, primarily when setting pieces of work, and called it a "surrogate" for the strike.

According to Ralf Dahrendorf , company fluctuations, an increase in sick leave and the frequency of accidents can also be regarded as indicators of dissatisfaction with the work situation and, as "diverted" industrial conflicts, make suppressed social tensions in the company visible.

See also


  • Ralf Dahrendorf : Industrial and Business Sociology, Göschen Collection, Volume 103, Berlin ²1962; there Chapter V: Company and Industrial Conflicts .
  • Pierre Dubois: Sabotage in Industry , Penguin, Harmondsworth / UK 1979.
  • Paul K. Edwards / Hugh Scullion: The Social Organization of Industrial Conflict: Control and Resistance in the Workplace , Blackwell, Oxford / UK 1984.
  • Rainer-W. Hoffmann: Labor dispute in everyday working life. Forms, perspectives and union problems of the hidden industrial conflict , Campus, Frankfurt am Main 1981.
  • Geoffrey K. Ingham: Strikes and Industrial Conflict. Britain and Scandinavia , Macmillan, London 1974.
  • Arthur W. Kornhauser / Robert Dubin / Arthur M. Ross (Eds.): Industrial Conflict , McGraw-Hill, New York 1954.
  • Hans Matthöfer : Strikes and strike-like forms of the struggle of workers in capitalism , in: Dieter Schneider (Ed.): On the theory and practice of the strike , Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1971, pp. 155-209.

supporting documents

  1. youtube video
  2. From: Future Forum Stuttgart Trade Unions, Strike Actions Retail Stuttgart: Human Chain and Flash Mob
  3. Max Weber: On the psychophysics of industrial work. Writings and speeches 1908–1912 . Study edition of the Max Weber Complete Edition, Volume I / 11. Mohr (Siebeck), Tübingen 1998, pp. 104-106.
  4. Ralf Dahrendorf: Industrial and Business Sociology, Göschen Collection, Berlin 1962, p. 95