In-process control

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In- process controls are the controls carried out in the course of a production process that are used to monitor and control the process. This is to ensure that the product meets its specification .

Monitoring the environment and equipment can also be viewed as part of in-process control. The in-process control is prescribed by the manufacturer of a product in terms of quality management . The abbreviation IPC comes from English and stands for in-process control . The term in-process control is mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry . The term actually generally used for controls of this kind is called statistical process control. Alternatively, the terms statistical process control or statistical process control are also possible. The abbreviation for this name is SPC, which comes from English and means statistical process control .

In the pharmaceutical industry, in-process control is used for the in-process quality control incumbent on the production area and is in contrast to statistical process control, which is carried out by quality management as proof of the correctness of the production process independent of the production area.