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InspectIT logo
Screenshot of inspectIT.png
Screenshot from inspectIT (v.1.7.7)
Basic data

developer Open Source - pushed by NovaTec Consulting GmbH
Current  version July 1, 1994
(May 19, 2017)
Current preliminary version
(September 15, 2017)
operating system platform independent
programming language Java
category APM tool
License Apache License, Version 2.0
German speaking No

inspectIT is an open source application performance management tool that enables diagnosis of Java- based applications at runtime. inspectIT is developed by the “Application Performance Management” competence area of ​​the Stuttgart IT consulting firm NovaTec Consulting GmbH.


inspectIT takes a “user transaction-focused approach”. The main focus is on the analysis of specific user inquiries. For every request to the monitored system, inspectIT creates a detailed call tree, a so-called invocation sequence. This invocation sequence contains the specific runtimes for each call to an instrumented method. This allows the user request to be traced right up to the trigger of the potential performance problem. Problems in the database access logic can also be identified and improved through the automatic and transparent integration of requests to the database.

From version 1.8.1 inspectIT offers functionality for Real User Monitoring (RUM), with which the interaction of end users, for example with a website or web-based application, can be monitored.


inspectIT consists of three components:

  • The inspectIT agent is integrated into the system to be monitored, collects the diagnostic information from the integrated measuring points and sends it to the central inspectIT server. The agent is designed in such a way that the overhead in terms of CPU time and memory consumption is as low as possible.
  • The inspectIT server, the so-called CMR (Centralized Measurement Repository), receives the diagnostic information from the connected agents and prepares it for analysis in the inspectIT user interface.
  • The inspectIT user interface is based on the Eclipse RCP and enables the user to carry out a detailed analysis.


During the Java class loading of the JVM , a Java-based agent is integrated into the class loading process, which can extend the Java bytecode of the loaded class. Unlike Profiler , inspectIT only integrates measurements at selected points, so that the measurement overhead remains low. This approach enables measuring points to be transparently integrated into the application without having to adapt the source code.

Development and naming

The development of inspectIT began at NovaTec GmbH in 2005, at that time still under the name NovaSpy. The first official version 1.0 was published in March 2010. Since then, new versions have been published regularly.

Open source

On August 14, 2015, inspectIT was officially made open source.

Web links

Individual evidence

  4. java.lang.instrument JDK5 Oracle Description of the use of the javaagent for Java 5.
  5. java.lang.instrument JDK6 Oracle Description of the use of the javaagent for Java 6.