Inspections for vård och omsorg

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Inspections för vård och omsorg (IVO) is the Swedish supervisory authority for health, nursing and care. The authority was founded in 2013, has 650 employees and an annual budget of around 635 million kroner (around 68 million euros). The authority's headquarters are in Stockholm . The regional supervisory authorities are in Umeå , Örebro , Stockholm , Jönköping , Gothenburg and Malmö . The legal basis for the work of the authority are the law on patient safety ( patientsäkerhetslagen ), law for social services ( socialtjänstlagen ), the law for support and service for certain disabled people ( lag om stöd och service för vissa funktionshindrade, LSS ) and the government regulation for IVO .


  • IVO accepts complaints from patients and decides on measures to remedy the underlying deficiencies.
  • IVO receives reports from doctors and hospitals about incidents and deficiencies that have led or could potentially have led to patient harm. The medical institutions are obliged to report such cases ( “Lex Maria” ). The independent authority Hälso- och sjukvårdens ansvarsnämnd decides on specific consequences in individual cases . These can range from a probationary period to withdrawal of the license to practice medicine.
  • Employees in social services and the care of the disabled are also obliged to report incidents that endanger clients or patients ( "Lex Sarah" ).
  • IVO expresses itself on bills and regulations of the Socialstyrelsen , which concern the supervisory area of ​​the authority.
  • Youth homes are inspected by IVO once a year, even without reporting any imbalances.
  • IVO identifies areas in the healthcare system in which increased risks are to be expected and carries out controls there.
  • IVO grants approvals for hospitals and companies in which blood, tissue and cell cultures are handled.
  • IVO is the supervisory authority for communal social work .

Individual evidence

  1. Lex Maria and Lex Sarah are provisions in the law for patient safety, which were included there after specific incidents and are named after the patients affected.

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