Managing Authority (Sweden)

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Administrative authorities in Sweden (Swedish: förvaltningsmyndighet ) are organizationally independent units within the state or municipal administration. They are administrative organizational units that perform public administration tasks.

It should be noted that according to the Swedish constitution on the form of government, tasks of public administration are also carried out by other institutions such as companies, associations, foundations, etc. a. can be transferred. In this case Sweden does not speak of authorities.

State administrative authorities are either central like the different central offices (swed. Ämbetsverk ) or regional like z. B. the provincial governments or locally such. B. the police offices.

Local authorities are either regional (as part of the provincial parliaments ) or local within the framework of local government .

Central State Authorities

Each state central authority (Swedish Ämbetsverk ) is assigned to a ministry. The administrative authorities are responsible for the implementation of the resolutions and ordinances passed by the Reichstag and the government, but are independent in their implementation, as they are not bound by instructions.

Each authority is headed by a Director General and a Board of Directors, chaired by the Director General. Their activities are regulated by the Administrative Act of 1986.

Important central authorities in Sweden are (selection):

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