Institute for Market Ecology

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The Institute for Market Ecology (IMO) (today: Ecocert IMOswiss AG, Ecocert IMO GmbH) is an internationally recognized control organization for the certification of environmentally friendly products, ecological agriculture and management systems.

IMO was founded in 1990 as a two-man business and is now part of the French ECOCERT group. Over 800 employees in 110 countries check compliance with various environmental and social criteria for private and state labels and issue certificates for products from agriculture and wild collection, aquatic products, textiles, forest and wood products, cosmetics, etc. a. The activities of Ecocert IMO have a pioneering character in many areas.

In an increasingly complex global market, IMO sees itself, according to company founder Rainer Bächi, as a bridge between the links in the production chain (from the producer to the processor to the trader) and the consumer. Through quality assurance Trust to the transparency and consumer are created.


The Ecocert IMO network includes:

  • Ecocert IMOswiss AG, Switzerland
  • Ecocert IMO GmbH, Germany
  • ECOCERT Group, France

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