Institute for Legal and Criminal Sociology

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The Institute for Legal and Criminal Sociology ( IRKS for short ) is a non-university research institute. The institute is dedicated to the critical analysis of law and control and is one of the leading institutes in European security research. It was founded in 1973 in Vienna by Heinz Steinert and financially supported by the Austrian Ministry of Justice under Christian Broda . At times it was a member of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society . Today the institute is run by an association and is financed by raising research funds. The institute's longstanding employees include internationally recognized criminologists and legal sociologists such as Arno Pilgram , Wolfgang Stangl (†) and Christa Pelikan . Today the institute is headed by Hemma Mayrhofer and Veronika Hofinger as scientific directors and Walter Hammerschick as administrative director.

Selected publications

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Individual evidence

  1. Hemma Mayrhofer, scientific management
  2. Veronika Hofinger, scientific management
  3. Walter Hammerschick, commercial management