Institute for reinforced concrete reinforcement

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The Institute for Reinforced Concrete Reinforcement eV (ISB) is an association of the reinforcing steel industry and represents the manufacturers and processors of reinforcing steel .

The Institute for Reinforcing Steel and Reinforced Concrete Construction eV (IBS), based in Munich, dissolved in 1989. This resulted in the Institute for Reinforced Concrete Reinforcement eV (ISB), which was founded on April 3, 1989 in Munich. In 2003 the ISB took over the tasks of the Fachverband Betonstahlmatten eV (FVBS) and moved to the wire house in Düsseldorf.

The Institute for Reinforced Concrete Reinforcement (ISB) acts at the interface between industrial companies from the reinforcing steel industry and the buyers of the construction products produced. The areas of activity of the ISB lie in research and development in the areas of reinforcing steel, reinforcement technology and reinforced concrete construction, cooperation in national and international, especially European standards committees and technical advice and the preparation of expert reports on questions of reinforced concrete construction and application technology. In addition, the ISB disseminates its experience and knowledge through work aids, publications, training courses and events and is also politically committed to its members, in particular by participating in committees of national and European umbrella organizations.

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