Institute for Ukrainian Language

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Institute for Ukrainian Language is a scientific research institute in the Ukrainian capital Kiev that is dedicated to linguistic research.

The aim is to scientifically research and document the Ukrainian language in its current usage and history. The institute was founded in 1991. Together with many other research institutes, it belongs to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine . The most prominent scientists of the institute are: Pavlo Hryzenko, Vasyl Nimtschuk, Ivan Vychovanez, Svitlana Jermolenko, Nina Klymenko.


The main task of the institute is the scientific research of the Ukrainian language as a social, historical, territorial, structural, national and cultural phenomenon. The institute conducts research in the following directions:

  • social status and functions of the Ukrainian language;
  • Structure of the Ukrainian language (vocabulary, grammar, regulation and codification of the standard language);
  • social, professional and territorial differentiation of the Ukrainian language;
  • Sources of origin and historical development of the Ukrainian language;
  • Relations of the Ukrainian language with other Slavic and non-Slavic languages;
  • Formation and dynamics of naming system in Ukraine;
  • Development of the appointment system of the disciplines and the professional activities.

Structure and areas of work

The institute's scientific work takes place in long-term administrative projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. You work in nine departments:

  • Grammar Department
  • Dialect Research Department
  • Department of Linguistic History
  • Department of Lexicology and Lexicography
  • Scientific Terminology Department
  • Department of Onomastics
  • Department of Sociolinguistics
  • Department of Style and Language Culture
  • Mathematical Linguistics Department

In addition to the departments, the institute with library provides important tools for researchers.


The institute publishes several scientific and popular scientific journals, including:

  • «Українська мова» (Ukrainian);
  • «Культура слова» (word culture);
  • «Лексикографічний бюлетень» (Bulletin for Lexicography);
  • "Студії з ономастики та етимології" (Studies on Name Research and Etymology);
  • “Термінологічний вісник” (information sheet for terminology).

Web links