Institute for Environmental Planning

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The Institute for Environmental Planning Ulm (IUP) was the successor to the Ulm School of Design (HfG Ulm) and existed from 1969 to 1972.


On October 14, 1969, the "Institute for Design of the University of Stuttgart and Ulm" was opened by the Rector of the University of Stuttgart , Heinz Blenke . In addition to 35 students from the College of Design, which closed in 1968, who wanted to complete their studies at the new institute, 50 applicants who had completed their training had applied for the postgraduate course planned in Ulm. The postgraduate course was divided into five areas:

  1. Communication area
  2. Method area
  3. Planning area
  4. Problem area
  5. Project area

The institute changed its name from "Umweltgestaltung in Institut für Umweltplanung (IUP)" because most of the events and also some of the projects dealt with the development of the methodological and scientific basis of planning. The institute was subordinate to the University of Stuttgart, but was not allowed to award an academic diploma, only a certificate of study. Nevertheless, it enjoyed a great response from students, which was still influenced for some time by the reputation of the HfG Ulm. After the IUP had accepted 27 diploma theses in 1970, there were 32 in 1972. The topics ranged from theoretical work such as design theory to specific design topics such as furniture systems or commercial vehicles (modular system).

In the short period of its existence, the IUP has published seven work reports, eight discussion papers and four institute reports. After all students graduated, the institute was closed. Part of the budget went to the University of Stuttgart. On September 30, 1972, teaching was stopped.


  • Petra Eisele: "Institute for Environmental Planning Ulm". In: BRDesign: German design as an experiment since the 1960s, Cologne: Böhlau, 2005, pp. 81–94. ISBN 3-412-16504-2
  • René Spitz: HfG - IUP - IFG Ulm, published by IFG Ulm (without publisher), 2012. ISBN 978-3-9802864-2-8 .
  • Gerhard Curdes: HFG - IUP - ZPI 1969 - 1972 Design or planning? On the paradigm dispute of the 1960s and 70s using the example of the Ulm School of Design, the Institute for Environmental Planning Ulm and the Planning Institute of the University of Stuttgart, 2016. Dorothea Rohn, Lemgo

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