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InterGest France

legal form SAS
founding 1972
Seat Sarreguemines , France FranceFrance
management Chairman of the Supervisory Board:


  • Peter Anterist
Number of employees 50
Branch Internationalization , wage and salary accounting , personnel management , accounting , controlling , management consultancy

The InterGest France SAS is an international trust company , which in 1972 in Sarreguemines was founded (France). InterGest France is part of InterGest group of companies that specializes in companies in the expansion into the overseas support.

The name InterGest is derived from the French job description "Gestion Internationale" (international management).


InterGest was founded in 1972 by Heinz Anterist in Saargemünd. In 1982 the company began developing a franchise system to internationalize the InterGest concept. In 2001, Heinz Anterist handed over management to his son Peter Anterist.

2008 has been a subsidiary PaMMon International SA ( Pa rtnership and M anage m ent automation on ) established its headquarters in Luxembourg, a controlling - and reporting domestic software for controlling and offering foreign branches.

In 2016, InterGest Worldwide was founded as a service company based in Hamburg with the three general managers Peter Anterist, Nils Blunck and Alberto Canova.


InterGest France is part of the InterGest group of companies, which is organized in a franchise system with 45 partners in 51 countries. The headquarters of InterGest France SAS is the headquarters of the group of companies and is located in the French Saargemünd near Saarbrücken.


The core service of InterGest France and its worldwide partners is the development of foreign markets through in-house organizations. InterGest offers advice and service for this - from the establishment and domicile of a foreign branch to fiduciary management.


Since 1995 the chairman of the supervisory board, Heinz Anterist, has been visiting professor for foreign trade at the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) in Beijing . His son Peter Anterist teaches international management and foreign trade at the same university. Since 2003, InterGest and CUFE have been running a business school for postgraduate MBA studies.

Since November 2012 InterGest has been the official global representative of the Saarland economy.


In 1994 InterGest was awarded the “Trophée du Dynamisme” by RTL and Jeune Chambre Economique. In 2006, Heinz Anterist was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon for the development of his company concept and the establishment of the global InterGest organization .


  • InterGest France SAS, Peter Anterist: InterGest Investment Guide France, 4th edition, local global GmbH, Stuttgart 2019, ISBN 978-3-9820948-1-6
  • Peter Anterist: Successful Abroad - A Guide for SMEs, local global GmbH, Stuttgart 2019, ISBN 978-3-9820948-0-9
  • Peter Anterist: Mistakes in international business - Ten safe ways to burn money, local global GmbH, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-9817242-5-7
  • Sergey Frank: world class. Success know-how for international business . 2010, ISBN 978-3-648-00460-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Website InterGest - About us. Retrieved July 7, 2020 .
  2. ^ Website InterGest - Worldwide. Retrieved July 7, 2020 .
  3. InterGest website - imprint. Retrieved July 7, 2020 .
  4. InterGest website - services. Retrieved July 7, 2020 .
  5. Heinz Anterist receives the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon .