Interest group Nordpark Duisburg

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The Nordpark Interest Group is a non-profit association in Duisburg .

Associations, groups and initiatives as well as residents and former employees of the closed blast furnace plant in Duisburg-Meiderich have come together in it.


It emerged from the struggle to preserve the Meiderich ironworks, which was closed in 1985, and the landscape surrounding the plant. Since 1988, when the extension of about 200 hectares of land in the landscape park Duisburg-Nord was decided that the IG North Park active Landscape Park Duisburg-North contributes to the planning, design and use by proposals. In order to make the area popular and to show the population the opportunities that existed in converting the area into a leisure area, IG Nordpark held annual hut festivals, which were attended by more than 50,000 visitors.


IG Nordpark has been committed to the following goals from the start:

  • Preservation of the hut as an industrial monument
  • Creation of new jobs and alternative labor market projects
  • Improvement of the living and housing situation in the surrounding districts
  • Preservation of near-natural habitats for plants and animals

With its work, IG Nordpark participates in the design of the Duisburg-Nord landscape park. IG Nordpark is working with Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord GmbH, the operator of the park, so that these suggestions can be implemented.

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