International Libertarian Solidarity

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The International Libertarian Solidarity ( ILS-SLI ) (German: Internationale Libertäre Solidarität ) was an association of anarchists , anarcho-syndicalists , revolutionary syndicalists and anti-state and non-partisan social organizations founded in Madrid in 2001 . In 2007, 23 organizations in Europe, America , Africa and the Middle East belonged to it, but none of them were German-speaking. After the dissolution, some member organizations are members of .

Member organizations were the Confederación General del Trabajo , Apoyo Mutuo (Spain); Alternative libertaire , Organization Communiste Libertaire, Offensive Libertaire Et Sociale, Réseau No Pasaran (France), Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland); Federazione Dei Comunisti Anarchici, Unicobas (Italy); ORA-Solidarita (Czech Republic); ESE (Greece); Central Organization of the Workers of Sweden (Sweden); Organization Socialiste Libertaire, Auca (Switzerland); Federação Anarquista Gaúcha, Luta Libertaria (Brazil); Anarchist Federation of Uruguay (Uruguay), North-Eastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (USA / Canada); Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Federation (South Africa); Al Badil Al Chooui al Taharouri (Lebanon); Organización Socialista Libertaria, Auca - Socialismo Libertario (Argentina) and Consejo Indigeno Popolar De Oaxaca - Ricardo Flores Magón (Mexico).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Staudenmaier: Truth and Revolution. AK Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-849-35097-6 , p. 321 ( limited preview in Google book search).