International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth

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The International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth ( IPC-IG ) in Brasilia , formerly the International Poverty Center , is based on a partnership between the Poverty Practice Department of the United Nations Development Program and the Brazilian government. The IPC-IG promotes the international exchange of experience within the framework of South-South cooperation with the aim of supporting developing countries in the planning, implementation and evaluation of public policies to strengthen inclusive growth and to strengthen the knowledge and skills of developing countries in this area . IPC-IG sees itself as a center of the South-South dialogue on applied research and training in the field of development policy .

The purpose is to equip decision-makers from developing countries with the necessary skills to design integrative social policies and to learn from successful development policy experiences of other countries in the global south . An important service that IPC-IG provides to the international development community and the UNDP country offices is the strengthening of skills in the field of policy analysis and implementation.

Established in 2004 as part of an effort to decentralize UNDP with the aim of bringing knowledge closer to UNDP's global partners. In this regard, IPC-IG joins the Democratic Governance Center (Oslo, Norway) and the Drylands Development Center (Nairobi, Kenya).

IPC-IG carries out projects in cooperation with the following national and international partners: the Ministry for Social Development and the Fight Against Hunger (MDS) in Brazil, the World Bank , UNDP's Independent Evaluation Office, the UNDP country office in Cape Verde , the United Nations World Food Program , UNICEF (Yemen country office and regional office in the MENA region), UN Women , the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , DFAT, DFID, GiZ , ECLAC and ESCAP.

An executive committee consisting of representatives from UNDP, the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Brazil, the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Brazilian Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA) oversees and coordinates the implementation and fulfillment of the tasks of IPC-IG.

Individual evidence