International Swimming Hall of Fame / Masters swimmers

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The following list includes the 14 Masters swimmers inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame since 1965 . Candidates to be accepted as Masters swimmers in the Hall of Fame must have been successful in swimming internationally for at least 16 years (i.e. in at least four different age groups) and have completely dominated the competition in one age group. Admission criteria apply in the following order in particular:

  1. Masters world records
  2. Masters world title
  3. Masters continental title
  4. Masters national title
  5. Masters national records

In addition to the name and nation of the athlete, the year of admission to the Hall of Fame, the career peak (defined as the time between the first and last international success), the number of Masters world titles and the number of Masters world records are given .

International Swimming Hall of Fame (Masters swimmer)
Surname nation
Year of admission
World champion
Jane Asher United KingdomUnited Kingdom Society. King 2006 1983-2002 30th 75
Jayne Owen Bruner United StatesUnited States United States 1998 1974-1996 13 40
Barbara Dunbar United StatesUnited States United States 2000 1976-1996 91
Tim Garton United StatesUnited States United States 1997 1973-1996 36 21st
Graham Johnston United StatesUnited States United States 1998 1952-1997 31 41
Harold Langner United StatesUnited States United States 1995 1980-1995 185
Kelley Lemmon United StatesUnited States United States 1999 1980-1995 24
Maxine Merlino United StatesUnited States United States 1999 1972-1988 59
Ardeth Mueller United StatesUnited States United States 1996 1976-1991 7th 46
Yoshiko Osaki JapanJapan Japan 2005 1984-2005 93
Gail Roper United StatesUnited States United States 1997 1970-1990 27 42
Ray Taft United StatesUnited States United States 1996 1972-1996 28 49
Laura Val United StatesUnited States United States 2003 1987-2002 97
Clara Lamore Walker United StatesUnited States United States 1995 1982-1995 184

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