International Private Freight Car Union

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The Internationale Privatgüterwagen-Union ( French Union Internationale des Wagons Privés , abbreviated UIP ) is the umbrella organization of private freight wagon keepers from several European countries. The association has its seat in Brussels .


The organization was founded on April 17, 1950 by the private freight wagon associations from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Italy. The Swedish Association joined in 1953, Morocco in 1958 (until 1981), Spain in 1960 and Great Britain in 1966.


  • Belgium / Luxembourg: Belgian Wagon Association (BeWag) with 26 members and around 2,500 freight wagons
  • Germany: Association of Freight Car Owners in Germany V. (VPI) with 222 members and around 74,000 freight wagons
  • Austria: Association of those interested in private goods wagons (VPI) with around 13,000 freight wagons
  • France: Association Française des Wagons de Particuliers (AFWP) with around 45,600 freight wagons
  • Great Britain: Private Wagon Federation (PWF) with around 3,600 freight wagons
  • Italy: Associazione Operatori Ferroviari e Intermodali (ASSOFERR) with around 2,000 freight wagons
  • Netherlands: Nederlandse Vereniging Particuliere Goederenwagens (NVPG) with around 1,400 freight wagons
  • Poland: Stowarzyszenie Wagony Prywatne (SWP) with around 3,700 freight wagons
  • Sweden / Norway: Svenska Privatvagnföreningen (SPF) with around 2,600 freight wagons
  • Switzerland: Shippers sidings for private goods wagons (VAP) with around 28,700 freight wagons
  • Slovakia: Zdruzeníe vlastníkov a prevádzkovateIov súkromných koIajových vozidiel (ZVKV) with around 4,300 freight wagons
  • Spain: Asociación de Propietarios y Operadores de Vagones de España (FAPROVE) with around 4,700 freight wagons
  • Czech Republic: Sdružení držitelú a provozovatelú železniúních vozú (SPV) with around 5,500 freight wagons
  • Hungary: Magyar Vasúti Magánkocsi Szövetség (MVMSZ) with around 1,500 freight wagons

In addition to the freight wagons registered through these associations, there are another 9,200 freight wagons. As of December 31, 2016, around 202,800 freight wagons were being operated by the member companies. These are responsible for around 50% of the ton-kilometers driven in Europe each year.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 24th Annual Report 1973