International Private Law (France)

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The international private law ( French droit international privé ) of the Republic of France consists on the one hand of the conflict of laws (conflits de lois), which determines which state law is to be applied in cases with foreign affairs. On the other hand, it traditionally also includes international civil procedural law (conflits de juridictions) and citizenship law (droit de la nationalité).

The conflict of laws in France is not regulated by law, but for the most part arose from the case law of the cour de cassation . With the first steps towards the standardization of IPR within Europe, EC regulations (especially Rome I and Rome II ) have gained in importance within their scope.

Citizenship Law

Acquisition by law

By law, French citizenship (nationalité française) can be assigned both through the ius sanguinis and the ius soli . The basis of the ius sanguinis is Art. 18 C.civ .: "Est français l'enfant, légitime ou naturel, dont l'un des parents au moins est français" - "The French are a child, be it marital or illegitimate, where at least one parent is French. ”Furthermore, acquisition by ius sanguinis also includes acquisition through full adoption according to Art. 20 Para. 2 C.civ. According to Art. 18-1 it is possible to refuse French citizenship if only one parent is French and the child was born abroad. This applies above all to cases in which the French children’s children have been living abroad for a long time and no longer have any connection with the French state. However, rejection (répudiation) is excluded as soon as the other parent acquires French citizenship while the child is a minor.



  • Bertrand Ancel, Yves Lequette, Henri Batiffol (eds.): Les grand arrêts de la jurisprudence française de droit international privé . 5th edition. Dalloz-Sirey, Paris 2006, ISBN 978-2-247-06891-3 .

History and philosophy

  • Meijers: Études d'histoire du droit international privé . Paris 1967.
  • Henri Batiffol : Aspects philosophiques du droit international privé . Dalloz, Paris 2002.

Historical textbooks

  • Antoine Pillet : Traité pratique du droit international privé . 2 volumes (1923/1924). Sirey, Paris.

Textbooks ( traités and manuels ):

  • Pierre Mayer, Vincent Heuzé: Droit international privé . 8th edition. Montchrestien, Paris 2004, ISBN 978-2-7076-1388-2 .

Encyclopedias and Jurisclasseurs :

  • Berthold Goldmann (Ed.): Jurisclasseur droit international . 10 volumes. Éditions techniques, Paris (loose-leaf collection).


  • Journal du droit international . Éditions techniques, ISSN  0021-8170 (founded by Édouard Clunet in 1874, published quarterly).
  • Revue critique de droit international privé . Éditions Sirey, ISSN  0035-0958 (founded by Darras in 1905, published quarterly).