Interzone pass
The Interzone pass was on 30 June 1946 by the four occupying powers of the German Reich officially introduced personal document that the citizens of the occupied zones traveling between the inner-German zones allowed ( Interzone traffic ).
After the military occupation of Germany in May 1945, civilians were initially only allowed to leave their place of residence and its immediate vicinity with a permit issued by the occupying power. On June 30, 1946, the border between the Soviet occupation zone and the western occupation zones was closed. To cross the inner-German border , travelers needed the so-called inter -zone pass, which was valid for 30 days and enabled travel within Germany. The amounts of money carried by the travelers were registered by agents of the German Central Bank on entry and exit, as the attached document shows. All travel restrictions between the British and American zones of occupation were lifted on July 23, 1946.
On November 25, 1953, the interzonal passport, which the Federal Republic of Germany had waived since November 14, 1953 in consultation with the Western Allies, was abolished and replaced by the personal certificate. The GDR government followed suit, so that a visit to the GDR was only made dependent on the residence permit introduced in 1948, which GDR citizens had to apply for for visitors from western Germany.