Isaac Albalag

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Isaak Albalag ( Isaak al-Ballag ) was a 13th century Jewish philosopher in southern France or northern Spain.

Albalag was a radical representative of Jewish averroism and, as such, distinguished between the philosophical path of knowledge that was only possible for an elite and the religious revelation intended for the masses. Ultimately, philosophy and religion agree. The philosopher comes to the knowledge of truth in a philosophical way and then symbolically interprets the revealed scriptures of religion in such a way that he in turn finds philosophical truth in them.

He translated al-Gazali's “maqasid al-falasifa” into Hebrew , which contains his digressions “tiqqun ha-de'ot” (“correction of knowledge”, ie the attempt to refute al-Gazali).

Albalag was considered a stubborn heretic and dangerous rationalist in theological circles from the start.


  • Maurice-Ruben Hayoun, Alain de Libera: Averroès et l'averroïsme . Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1991, ISBN 2-13-044203-X , pp. 43-53

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