Italian League for Human Rights

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The Italian League for Human Rights (Italian: Lega italiana dei diritti dell'uomo , often just called LIDU ) was a political organization that was open to Italian emigrants in Paris during the interwar period . It was clearly positioned as an anti-fascist and was involved in the fight against the fascist dictatorship.


The association was founded in Paris in 1922 . In the same year the International Human Rights League was founded, which she joined a year later. In 1931 the LIDU had 3000 members.

The LIDU campaigned for the granting of political asylum to anti-fascist refugees, intervened in the event of impending deportation and provided material support to the emigrants.

The LIDU grew rapidly; While there were two sections of the organization in France in 1926, there were already 125 in 1930. Close contacts existed with the French sister organization , headed by its President Victor Basch , which facilitated access to the French authorities.

Important personalities of the LIDU were Alceste de Ambris , Luigi Campolonghi and Ernesta Campolonghi .

Like all Italian organizations and parties that fought against fascism in French exile, there were also some informants of the Italian political police in the ranks of the LIDU, who were playing their double game without being recognized.

The Second World War and the German invasion of France put an end to all LIDU activity.


  • Eric Vial, La Ligue italienne des droits de l'homme (LIDU), de sa fondation à 1934 , in: Pierre Milza, Les Italiens en France de 1914 à 1940 (Collection de l'école française de Rome, 1986), Roma 1986 , Pp. 407-430
  • Eric Vial, La Ligue française des droits de l'homme et la LIDU, son homologue italienne, organisation d'exilés antifascistes dans l'entre-deux-guerres , in: Le Mouvement Social (Revue d'histoire sociale), no.183 / 1998, pp. 119-134

Archives holdings

There are two archives about the LIDU:

Individual evidence

  1. Eric Vial, La Ligue française des droits de l'homme et la LIDU, son homologue italienne, organisation d'exilés antifascistes dans l'entre-deux-guerres , in: Le Mouvement social (Revue d'histoire sociale), No. 183/1998 (pp. 119–134), p. 119, (7 August 2014)
  2. Eric Vial, La Ligue italienne des droits de l'homme (LIDU), de sa fondation à 1934 , in: Pierre Milza, Les Italiens en France de 1914 à 1940 (Collection de l'école française de Rome, 1986), p 418
  3. ibid., P. 407
  4. ↑ For example, long-time informants Wolfango Sampaoli and Mario Sorcinelli were appointed directors of the Marseille LIDU section in 1933 and 1934 respectively. See Mauro Canali, Le Spie del Regime , Bologna 2004 (Il Mulino), pp. 423, 440