Ivan Fomitsch Truskott

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Ivan (John) Fomitch Truskott ( Russian Иван Фомич Трускотт , born on December 1, jul. / December 12, 1721 greg. In St. Petersburg , according to other sources in 1719, died on May 18, jul. / May 29, 1786 greg. Ibid ) was a Russian cartographer of English origin, professor of geography and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences . He was born in Saint Petersburg as the son of an English businessman and attended high school at the Russian Academy of Sciences, where he studied foreign languages ​​and technical drawing, among other things. As a gifted student he was invited to work in the Department of Geography by Joseph-Nicolas Delisle . In 1746 a "cartographic laboratory" was set up at the department under the direction of Iwan Truskott. At the beginning of his activity he followed the advice and instructions of Mikhail Wassiljewitsch Lomonossow . He worked in the department until his death in 1786, and made a great contribution to mapping the territory of the Russian Empire. As an educator, he also prepared a new generation of Russian cartographers.

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Individual evidence

  1. Peter Hoffmann: Geography, History and Education in Russia and Germany in the 18th Century: Correspondence Anton Friedrich Büsching - Gerhard Friedrich Müller 1751 to 1783 . Walter de Gruyter & Co KG, 2018, ISBN 978-3-05-006885-5 , p. 574 ( books.google.de ).