Jewish vocational training center

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The Jewish Vocational Education Center ( JBBZ ) in Vienna is a publicly funded Austrian educational institution for young people and adults and an organization of the Vienna Jewish Community.


Jewish vocational training center

As early as the 1980s there was a plan to set up a Jewish vocational training center, because Jewish young people and adults alike need professional qualifications, which, in the opinion of the initiators, are best acquired in a culturally familiar setting in order to integrate in Austria.

The increased influx of Jewish migrants from the former USSR at the beginning of the 1980s resulted in an increased demand for training opportunities within this target group.

A basic study was carried out which showed which professional qualifications are in demand. Based on this, the JBBZ concept was developed, which was submitted to the responsible ministries; it was approved in June 1996 after thorough examination. The founding fathers of the institute are Alexander Friedmann and Ilan Knapp. In September 1998 the JBBZ was opened at Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 18 in Vienna.

Educational offer

In addition to German courses, the JBBZ also offers apprenticeships for young people and adults in the areas of IT systems technology, orthopedic technology, office management and e-commerce. For all professional fields, the apprenticeship can be completed with the Matura (vocational maturity examination).

Association JBBZ

The JBBZ association is the supporting organization of the AMS training company JBBZ. The board of directors of the association includes members of the cultural committee of the Jewish Community of Vienna as well as representatives of the Vienna Public Employment Service and the City of Vienna.


  • Alexander Friedmann, Maria Hofstätter, Ilan Knapp: A new home? Jewish emigrants and emigrants from the Soviet Union, Vienna 1993.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Organizations of the IKG Vienna. In: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien. Retrieved September 19, 2019 .
  2. JBBZ - history. Retrieved December 7, 2018 .
  3. ^ IKG Vienna: Schools. In: Retrieved December 7, 2018 .