Jürgen Kaiser

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Jürgen Kaiser (born July 2, 1980 in Merseburg ) is a German director, film editor, cameraman and speaker who received special attention through his film project Star Trek Enterprise II: The Beginning of the End.


Jürgen Kaiser, together with Stephan Mittelstraß and Sabrina Heuer, won the Camgaroo Award Tele 5 for the film Star Trek Enterprise II "The Beginning of the End" 2016 - special award for best film across all categories. Star Trek Enterprise II: The Beginning of the End was first broadcast on Tele 5 on January 2, 2017 on free TV. Kaiser is currently working on a Ghostbusters stop motion fan film.


As a stop motion animator

As a director

As a screenwriter

As a producer

radio play

  • 2007: Quiqueck & Hämat (1 episode) as Der General - Director: Thomas Zeug (filmzeugs).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Camgaroo Winner 2016