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JUNA is the abbreviation for the platform for the documentation of youth and youth resistance under National Socialism .

The voluntary platform JUNA was founded in 2003 by Eva Knollmüller and consists of a small group of scientists and people interested in contemporary history, who aim to share the experiences of young people during the Nazi era, all of whom came from the Nazi regime of childhood and youth Peace and security were deprived of being recorded and thus preserved for posterity. JUNA does not aim to evaluate all these experiences and experiences of those born between 1920 and 1940. The previous focus of JUNA has been on the collection of contemporary history and biographies on the conditions in and around Vienna .

Exhibition "Resistance Group Landgraf"

As part of the Wiener Festwochen 2004, the Vienna Regional Museum Landstrasse organized the exhibition "Resistance Group Landgraf" together with the platform JUNA. The exhibition was opened on May 7, 2004 by the district chairman Erich Hohenberger and the museum director Prof. hc. Karl Hauer, in the presence of Josef Landgraf and Ludwig Igalffy - the still living protagonists of the Landgraf resistance group - officially opened.

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