Annual certificate

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The annual certificate of investment income and capital gains from financial investments was a compilation of information relevant to income tax to be prepared annually by banks in Germany . The last annual certificate will be issued for the 2008 tax year. With the introduction of the final withholding tax , the annual certificate is no longer required.


The content and appearance of the annual certificate is mandatory. Since no bank may deviate from the official model , the annual certificate is structured in the same way for every bank.

The annual certificate is divided into two areas:

In the first part, the income from capital assets (Germany) for the KAP and AUS annexes is shown for the income tax return.

The second part contains the private sales transactions carried out in accordance with § 22 with § 23 EStG for Annex SO to the income tax return.


The annual certificate is intended to help the taxpayer to prepare his tax return and is a control instrument of the tax authorities. Only domestic natural persons receive an annual certificate . Customers with only low income do not necessarily receive them automatically, but only on request.

The annual certificate should not be confused with (annual) tax certificates , these are used to offset the withholding taxes withheld.

In the event of discrepancies, the tax office can request the submission of the annual certificates.


The annual certificate was regulated in § 24c EStG old version . The reason for the introduction of the annual certificate was the imminent ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court , which was supposed to declare the taxation of speculative profits from sales transactions with securities unconstitutional due to the lack of control by the tax authorities.

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