Japanese Composers Association

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The Japanese Composers' Association ( Japanese 一般 社 団 法人 日本 作曲家 協議 会 , Ippan Zaidan Hōjin Nihon Sakkyokuka Kyōgikai , English "The Japan Federation of Composers Inc.", short: JFC) is a professional association founded in 1962 and as such also the Japanese branch of the Asian Composers League (ACL). In addition, the professional association of associate member is the " International Society for Contemporary Music " ( International Society for Contemporary Music , in short ISCM). The association became a legal association in 1983 ( 社 団 法人 , Shadan Hōjin ) and has been a regular legal foundation since 2013. In addition to the regular membership of individuals, companies, for example, can also be accepted as sponsoring members. The association is largely financed through the contributions of the sponsoring members; the board of the association works free of charge.

The Association of Composers has 430 members and is currently headed by Isao Matsushita. It has its seat in the district of Shibuya in Tokyo . The aim of the association is to promote the social conditions and the creative existence of composers (Art. 4.1 of the statutes) and to cultivate friendly relationships between musicians worldwide (Art. 4.3 of the statutes). For this purpose, the association publishes a catalog of the compositions annually, which so far contains around 700 works and is sent to music organizations or on request (Article 4.4 of the statutes). In addition, a compilation of works from the catalog appears on CD once a year. In addition, the organization of various music events is one of the association's activities.

As a professional association, the JFC represents the rights of its members to exploit their compositions (Art. 4.2 of the statutes). To this end, the association works with a department of the Office for Cultural Affairs to support artistic organizations and the training of workers, as well as with the Society for the Remuneration of Sound Recordings ( 私 的 録音 補償 金 管理 協会 , Society for Administration of Remuneration for Audio Home Recording , in short: sarah) together. The JFC is part of the nationwide association of health insurance companies for artists ( 国民 健康 保 険 組合 , National Health Insurance Union of Artists ) and thus provides artists with access to statutory health insurance.

Web links

  • About the JFC. JFC, accessed December 4, 2014 (Japanese Composers Association website).
  • 出版 事業 . Suntory,accessed on December 4, 2014(English, catalogs of Japanese composers and their works as PDF).

Individual evidence

  1. a b JFC の 活動 . JFC, accessed December 4, 2014 (Japanese).
  2. 一般 社 団 法人 日本 作曲家 協議 会 定 款 . JFC, accessed December 4, 2014 (Japanese, Association bylaws).